
Sunday, January 18, 2009

I'd share half of nothing with you

I tell you we have to clean everything first
If things get dirty it just won't work
The back drop, purple skies
Charcoal tree scribbles fade into apricot fuzz
The sun sleeps beneath steeple tops

....I know, too loud, too loud
We're back to where we started
The first time things were heavy
It's later and things are lighter this time
trust me I had this in mind the whole time

If the drink is too strong, sweetened it
Coco, give half and half more and half more
....take half of nothing
As the window fogs up my fingers wander
Lips, eyes, one fluid motion
It's finished
Tousled hair

I look out
Not at you
I reach out, my fingers touching
We should do this more often
We should leave


  1. introspection observed/expressed through imagery = slave to you

  2. always cleaning first and for the bathtub baking soda works the best. Then some candles, a black cat in a bottle and a clarinet. Now we are ready to fly over purple clouds while our body drown in jazmine bubbles and take some rest. Fuck! I am already there.
